5th September of 2022


On a beautiful sunny day in November 2019 I first walked into the Adhitya Ayurveda Centre and discovered what can only be described as… a whole lot of ‘magic’. Having come from Germany and traveled extensively throughout South America, Europe, Asia, India and North America I pursued my ‘spiritual quest’ to study the yoga and Ayurveda systems and I was immediately impressed with the grand vision on display within the space.

What most made an impact was the fresh and vibrant culture of genuine hospitality demonstrated by everybody I met, as I familiarized myself with the new hospital’s operations. At that time I happen to be visiting my meditation teacher in Anuradhapura when my intense curiosity and desire to learn as much as I could about yoga and Ayurveda drew me to walk-in and checkout what the facility had to offer.

And what an amazing surprise I happen to discover! Immediately I had the chance to talk with Dr. Kasun, who’s personality and kindness also inspired me on the spot. As I had so many questions and demonstrated my passion for learning about this ‘science of life’, Dr. Kasun offered to share his knowledge and teach me as much as possible during my time in the sacred city of Sri Lanka. This was such a refreshing attitude! And I feel it is representative of my entire experience with the team at Adhitya Ayurveda.

After receiving traditional Ayurvedic treatments, I can testify to the exceptional quality of their standards.

Now, it is wonderful to be collaborating with them as I will be offering yoga classes twice per day (6:30 AM and 5:30 PM) on the airy rooftop, open to both patients and locals alike. To transform and empower people to choose a healthy, happy, balanced and sustainable lifestyle is my passion and to get to share that with this community brings me great joy!

For more information about my story visit the website ayurlign.com